April 23rd, 2016


It’s open season on Spectra again. On April 23rd we showed up with 300 people to shut them down all day, but Spectra didn’t show up for work. For more coverage of the days events, see our Media page. For a video summary of the action, watch the video below (Thanks to the wonderful work of Sam Quigley!)

Stop Spectra In Boston

Spectra Energy is building a pipeline carrying fracked gas in West Roxbury, Boston, Massachusetts. This pipeline will carry high-pressure methane (natural) gas, a potent greenhouse gas, through residential neighborhoods and past an active blasting quarry, at great risk to the citizens of Boston.

Here is some more great footage of the day!

West Roxbury Rally Against Pipeline PKG

Once again residents, activists and neighbors came together to make their voices heard. Saturday April 23rd they marched through West Roxbury to the Lateral Pipeline metering and regulating station where they held a rally.
